Saira Afzal

Saira Afzal headshot
Saira Afzal is a licensed clinical social worker and currently practices at the Children鈥檚 Hospital of Philadelphia as a clinician on the Emergency Department/Extended Hours team. In this role, she has extensive experience working with children in mental health crises, child abuse, medical traumas, sexual assault incidents, and bereavements. Saira is an adjunct instructor at Delaware State University where she enjoys teaching courses related to therapy modalities and psychiatric treatment.

Saira completed a post-graduate fellowship at Boston Children鈥檚 Hospital where she gained experience in assessment and treatment in outpatient and emergency settings. In her role as a fellow, Saira also joined a study designed to validate the Ask Suicide-Screening Questions tool in primary care settings. Saira received her MSW in 2015 from Columbia University School of Social Work.

Research and Scholarly Interests

  • Suicide prevention and intervention
  • Child/adolescent mental health
  • Intervention research