New Students interested in CS

Welcome to Computer Science! We appreciate your interest. If you have not already, please consult our website for CS major and minor requirements.

Due to high demand, all introductory CS courses are overenrolled and lotteries are necessary every semester. We recommend that students register for one of our two introductory courses, CMSC B113 (Computer Science I) or CMSC B109 (Introduction to Computing, not offered every semester) immediately in the freshmen fall because lottery success is not guaranteed. We have a policy to not lottery students out twice, thus If you didn't get through the lottery before, please make sure that you inform the instructor of the current intro you are trying to enroll in. We also recommend that you complete the next two in the sequence, CMSC B231 (Discrete Mathematics) and CMSC B151 (Data Structures) as soon as possible.

For students with prior preparation in Computer Science and are interested in advanced placement, please contact Prof. Dinella, (edinella@bmc) to arrange to take the placement exam. Please note that our introductory sequence is taught in Java and prior experience in Python alone is typically insufficient. 

Please refer to our front page for the CS faculty advisor assigned to your class year and contact your advisor if you have additional questions.